Here's an overview of the rules and rounds, however the full details can be found under the "Summer Postal" tab on the home page.
Team competitions (recurve, compound, barebow [including AFB and Asian bow (AB)], longbow):
Mixed teams of THREE archers, at least one of whom is a female or a junior.
No limit to the number of teams entered by a club, but an archer may only shoot for one team each month.
Individual competitions (recurve, compound, barebow [including AFB* and Asian bow* (AB)], longbow):
Adult and Junior
An archer may enter TWO different bowstyles each month.
Rounds to be shot between 1st and 21st of the month.
May – Short metric (Short metric III)
June - National (Junior National/National 40)
July - Long Metric I (Long Metric III)
Aug - Long National (Short National/National 50)
Sept - Warwick (Junior Warwick/Warwick 40)
See - Rules of Shooting: Tables 3.1, 3.2.
* If there are sufficient numbers in these bow styles they will form their own individual league.
