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Bucks AA Summer Postal starts in May

Updated: Apr 28

Mixed teams of THREE archers, at least one of whom is a female or a junior.

(Any two archers except MM will be allowed.)

  • Juniors turning 18 during the season (May-September) will be classed as adults.

  • No limit to the number of teams entered by a club, but an archer may only shoot for one team each month.

  • Rounds to be shot between 1st and 21st of the month.

Individual Competitions  - Adult and Junior

Recurve, compound, barebow [including AFB and Asian bow (ASI)], longbow.

  • An archer may enter TWO different bowstyles each month.

  • Preliminary rounds (May, June, July)

  • Based on the results from the Preliminary Rounds:

    • Dominant archers will form a separate group and will compete across bowstyles using the AGB Handicap Tables.

    • The remaining archers, where possible, will be divided into smaller groups within their own bow style and retain their existing points.

  • An archer’s FOUR BEST results will be used to determine final positions.


May –  Short metric (Short metric III)

June -   National (National 40)

July -    Metric 122-50 (Metric 122-30)

Aug -    Long National (National 50)

Sept -   Warwick (Warwick 40)

See - Rules of Shooting: Tables 3.1, 3.2.        

Full details can be found under the "Bucks Postal" tab on the website.

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